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This is the last lesson. Renee wrapped this up wonderfully! You will love this last one!
Renee shares about the "Promise Given and Fulfilled" by Ruth and Naomi's "Kinsman Redeemer" Boaz. We also see the typology of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and also of The Law! This is an excellent lesson!
We move from the Threshing Floor to Ruth's "Dark Night of The Soul"... What a life changing lesson! We are being "Changed into His Image" by the things we go through!
In this Lesson Renee talks about Ruth being at The Threshing Floor and how Boaz "covers" her... We see the 4 steps of the Threshing floor and how it all relates to us!
In this lesson Renee walks us through the Harvest Field where Ruth goes to Boaz and asks him to be her Kinsman Redeemer.
Renee covers the concept of The Kinsman Redeemer in this session... Plus lots of other great stuff!
Renee shares about the wonders of going through Transitional Times in Ruth and Naomi's lives and how they work in our lives too.
This is an amazing lesson drawn from the life of Naomi. Renee takes us on an emotional journey from Naomi = Pleasant to Mara = Bitter
Renee draws from her personal life to show us that we can "Trust the Heart of God"
Odalys Banks head this "Recap" of Lessons 1 & 2 of The Book of Ruth. It is filled with thoughtful insights and lots of input from some of those in the Zoom meeting.
Renee continues by recapping a bit from Lesson 1 and then brings us to a deeper understanding of "The King is in the Field" and what Our King Jesus is looking for in our lives. Then we look at the choices that Naomi's daughter's in law make during their hard times... And, we relate these things to our own lives!
Renee opens up the first Lesson sharing the back story of writing the book. She opens her heart and grabs ours! You will love this introduction!